| | Donations and Recent Events : Hang Gliders collected by the Museum : The Museum collection list from 61 to 80
Museum Collection Glider No.61 Picture - S4 Racer Gp
| | Glider No.61 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Solar Wings Model-------------- S4 Racer GP Colours------------ White, red undersurface. Condition,Remarks-- Fair. Has VB and airfoil uprights ( Approx measurements leading edge 20 ft 1.5 in, span 34 ft, root chord 8 ft.) . Ex John O'Neil (was stored at Johnny Carr's). | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.62 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Hiway Model-------------- Explorer Colours------------ Red (span wise), yellow, black leadin edge. Condition,Remarks-- Good .Simi rigid type. Ex Trevor Ackroyd. BHGM No.3 Rigging. Specs------- Leading edge 18 ft 4 in, span 17 ft 2 in, 6 ft 10 in. | | Glider No.64 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Birdman Model-------------- Comanche Colours------------ Red undersurface, white body. Condition,Remarks-- Ex Damon Robinson. Also donated a Scotts Kite kneehanger harness plus copy of early movies. BHGM No.2 film clip flying and rigging date 28/02/2004. Flying log---------- Very lifty but needs hang point moving forward also a slight left turn. Three flights. Total flying time 30 mins. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.65 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Lamouette (none British) Model-------------- Cobra 13 m Colours------------ Purple leading edge, light blue and white undersurface. Condition,Remarks-- Poor condition due to damaged mylar leading edge. Ex Wayne Bevan BHGM No2. rig clip and short interview Specs----------- Leading edge 19 ft 7 in, span 34 ft , chord 6 ft 4 in, made in mid 90's. | | Glider No.66 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Solar Wings Model-------------- Typhoon 180 Colours------------ Yellow/orange undersurface, white body. Condition,Remarks-- Good condition, two A frame pitpins missing. Ex Wayne Bevan BHGM No2. rig clip short interview. Specs---------- Leading edge 20 ft 3 in, span 34 ft, root chord 8 ft 4 in. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.67 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Airwave Model-------------- Magic 165 Colours------------ Green leading edge, yellow undersurface, white body. Condition,Remarks-- Good condition. Ex Wayne Bevan BHGM No2. short interview. Specs------------- Leading edge 19 ft 5 in, span 32 ft 10 in, root chord 8 ft. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.68 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Hiway Model-------------- Superscorpion MK 1 Colours------------ Leading edge purple, red tip panels, white body. Condition,Remarks-- Good condition. Ex Martin Powell. Also donated stirup plus parachute and seated harnesss plus vario (check what type) plus RAF altimeter. BHGM DVD No.2 Interwiew. Specs------- Leading edge 19 ft 8 in, span 33 ft 4 in, root chord 7 ft 5 in. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.69 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Birdman Model-------------- Cherokee Colours------------ Blue,Light Blue, White. Condition,Remarks-- Fair condition. Jason Board's favourite flying machine ! BHGM No.3 flying shot. Flying Log-- 28/02/04 Light conditions at Sand Point, managed 20 Mins for filming. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.70 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Kestrel Kites Model-------------- Windhover 2 Colours------------ Red Condition,Remarks-- Good condition. Ex John Allen. Hinged kingpost 1"3/4 tube, sail cut chevron,rip stop nylon. BHGM interview, rig. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.71 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Hiway Model-------------- 53/80 Colours------------ Red/white Condition,Remarks-- Poor condiction needs sail repair at wing tip and leading edge tube needs fixing. Ex Simon Gean. BHGM interview, rig. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.72 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Hiway Model-------------- Vulcan Colours------------ Orange undersurface/ White top surface. Condition,Remarks-- Excellent condition. Ex .BHGM interview, rig. | | Glider No.73 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Hiway Model-------------- Demon Colours------------ Black leading edge, yellow undersurface, white top surface. Condition,Remarks-- Good. Resident at Peter Wood's. Undersurface has the letters G-MJHE, pit pins on A frame missing, batten poke on right hand wing, leading edge foam torn at the nose. BHGM rig. Spec--- Leading edge 19 ft, root chord, 8 ft 5 in, span 33 ft 6 in, nose angle 130 deg approx. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.74 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Airwave Model-------------- Klassic Colours------------ White top suface/ Lime green under surface. Condition,Remarks-- Good condiction. Has two spare uprights, still has orginal League numbers 11 and 51 on undersuface from Mike Armstrong times. Ex Steve Brown. BHGM interview, rig. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.75 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Birdman Model-------------- Hawk Colours------------ Yellow/ green/ white (LE) Condition,Remarks-- Good. Ex John Porter. Glider has A frame all bent into speed bar shape, in one length. There is a label sewn on, with ' Dave Raymon and Tommy written on', also BP logo from early sponsership with oil company, the Birdman logo has been removed from the sail.. May have been sponserd for Kossen world competition 70's. It appears to be an original Hawk. (BHGM interview, rig.) Spec---- Leading Edge 17 ft 2 in, Keel 17 ft 5 in, span 23 ft, nose angle 90 deg. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.76 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Chargus Model-------------- Midas Super E Colours------------ White/ yellow/ green/ white (LE) Condition,Remarks-- Good. Ex Terry Prendergast. (BHGM interview, rig.) Spec--- Leading edge 19 ft 10 in, keel 14 ft 3 in, span 33 ft, nose angle 110 deg. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.77 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Hiway Model-------------- Excalibur Colours------------ Pale blue (undersuface)/ white. Condition,Remarks-- Moderate. Ex Terry prendergast. Bottom Bar missing, possible undersurface battens at tips missing, also main battens colour codes mixed up. Glider incorporates fibre glass tips. (BHGM interview, rig.) Spec--- Leading edge +( fiber tip), keel 10 ft 8 in, span 34 ft 8 in, nose angle 140 deg. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.78 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Hiway Model-------------- Demon 175 Colours------------ Black (LE), Yellow (TS) Condition,Remarks-- Poor condiction due to rodent holes in the sail. Ex David Tyrer. Bottom bar missing. Spec--- Leading edge 17 ft 8 in, keel 8 ft 8 in, span 31 ft, nose angle 125 deg. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider | Glider No.79 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Sussex Delta Sailwings Model-------------- Ridge Rider Colours------------ Red, white, black Condition,Remarks-- Fair/poor condition. Needs new wires and bolts. The glider also came with seated harness. Ex Mark Johnson (BHGM film clip) Specs-------- Leading edge 20 ft 4in, keel 19 ft 8 in, span 28 ft 8in, nose angle 90 deg, glide angle 5:1, main booms H.T. 30 T.F. 16 S.W.G. keel and leading edge tubes 1.5 in O.D, cross boom 1.75 in O.D reinforced at stress points, price Ridge Rider traveller complete with flying harness and carrying/storage bag £225.00 plus £18.00 VAT. | Click here to view Catalogue information on this glider |
Museum Collection Glider No.80 Picture -
| | Glider No.80 INFORMATION | Manufacturer------- Model-------------- Colours------------ Condition,Remarks-- | | Donations and Recent Events : Hang Gliders collected by the Museum : The Museum collection list from 61 to 80 |